Camp Equipage of the British Army, c1809
Ever wondered what the British Army took with them on campaign? In the archives at Kew under the reference WO26/41 is a list of the value of camp equipment. This list was drawn up by Horse Guards on 30th May 1809 as a result of the aftermath of the retreat from Corunna, which resulted in not only the loss of life but also a great loss of equipment. It makes interesting reading for re-enactors to see what type of equipment was normally found on camp.
Round Tent (the Duke of York’s Pattern) with poles, pins, mallets, etc. Complete.....£5 13s 0d
Poles, per set........................... 5s 6d
Pins, large, per 100.................. 6s
Pins, small, per 100.................. 3s 6d
Mallets, large, per dozen......... 9s 6d
Mallets, small, per dozen......... 5s 6d
Iron collar, each....................... 1s 6d
Camp Colour Pole.................... 3s 4¼d
Camp Colour Flag.................... 1s 1d
Powder Bag............................. 8s 4d
Drum case............................... 6s 1¼d
Bill Hook.................................. 1s 11¼d
Flanders Kettle........................ 10s 6½d
Wood Canteen........................ 1s 9¾d
Ditto strap............................... 1s 4d
Haversack............................... 1s 4¾d
Felling axe............................... 3s 3d
Cap and sling for ditto............ 2s 9¼d
Corn sack................................ 4s ¾d
Set of forage cords................. 3s 3d
Water Bucket......................... 5s 10d
Saddle water deck................. 7s 6½d
Picket Rope............................ 8s ½d
Picket Pole............................. 3s 10¼d
Picket Mallet......................... 1s 7½d
Nose Bag............................... 2s 4½d
Palliasse................................ 4s 10¾d
Bolster case.......................... 1s 1¾d
Sheet..................................... 6s 10½d
Blanket................................. 8s 11d
Coverlet................................ 6s ½d
Ammunition Box................... 18s ¼d
Medicine Pannier................. £1 7s 7d
Bridle for Bat Horse............. 11s 8d
Hospital Marquee and Tent, Complete...................£45 10s 10d
Pack saddle with trees and Haucurns (Hawsers).....£4 0s 2d
Pack saddle with trees and Baggage straps............£3 6s 8¾d